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Monday 20 January 2014


Golf Championship Game Review (AOD #121)

Golf Championship

Hey guys! Today we will check out Golf Championship available on Android, made by CanadaDroid. As you can tell by the name this is a golf game, which puts you in the position of the player from a 3D perspective with touch controls for the direction and power applied on the ball. It is a fairly simple and straightforward game that will appeal to a lot of people.

"It is a fairly simple and straightforward game that will appeal to a lot of people."

There are a lot of courses available to play, each involving a strategy to complete it, and your decisions are affected by air movement and terrain. The gameplay is smooth and everything is responsive, which makes the game an even more pleasant experience. However the graphics are nice but could be better, and the music could be improved as well.

"The gameplay is smooth and everything is responsive, which makes the game an even more pleasant experience."

This game will definitely keep you busy as it offers character selection, customisation and upgrades. Finally perhaps an addition of additional game modes that could possibly combine the idea of golf with something else to create a mini game would be nice. In the end though this game is fun and requires some thinking to progress through the stages, I would definitely recommend adding it to your game collection!

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